New Beginnings

So I’m not sure where to begin. It’s been a while since I kept a hand-written journal, but until I get a laptop, this is how I’ll be rolling. I’ll just have to upload entries as I get access to a computer.

I still feel kind of torn on what I’m doing. I have the opportunity to go work up at the lake with Em this summer but I feel like it would be better for me to stick around Salt Lake and find a higher-paying job. This is our first day chilling at the park and I’m really seeing how much work Rowan needs. She has developed some very bad habits while I was living at the house from being in the backyard without me. The two dogs in the alley behind us had fence aggression, so she has learned that attacking the fence is an acceptable way to say hello to strange dogs. I have also found that she is now trying to nip strangers through the fence as well. Morons who see her acting a fool who think if they just try to pet her through the fence, she’ll like them. Yeah… no. So she got reprimanded for that yesterday.

Anywho, so I think that the constant exposure to strangers, cyclists, runners, skaters, and strange dogs could definitely be good for her in the long run. I also have more opportunities for getting the RV worked on here in the city, and I think it’s good for me to learn how to do things with as little help as possible, to prepare myself for being in another state. Not to mention,  it’s just easier to exercise here. But mannn, does it sound inviting to go live in the forest for the summer! I would get paid more to work there than at my current job, but not as much as if I switched jobs here in the city.

Man, my carpal tunnel is acting up something fierce with this writing by hand stuff. I spent several days this week finishing around 60 tie-dyes, and kneading them on the rinse-out process just about killed my wrists. Add to that all the moving and hauling stuff, and my poor hands have had it.

So of course, the first few days I had in the RV, my phone was mostly dead so I don’t have many/any good pix, but I’ll try to find some so these entries aren’t just babbling. My phone is on the charger right now, so no cute pix of the dogs in the park.

I am quite delighted that my RV fits perfectly into the parking spots here. I don’t have as much tail-swing as I thought I would,  but it is quite wide,  so it won’t be all that different from driving the FedEx van.

The little things are the ones that I’m learning on the fly. With the phone being dead, I couldn’t set an alarm this morning, so I just woke up when I woke up. That will have to change. The holder to put the spare tire on the back bumper was going to be put to use today, but then I realized the lug nuts were missing, so now I have the spare on my already-crowded floor. Since I was running late, I didn’t get breakfast on time, so I had my breakfast for lunch and skipped lunch. I had to figure out this morning where to spit my toothpaste other than on the ground in the driveway where I’m parking at night, since I don’t want to use my grey water tanks right now. I didn’t have the window cover up,  so I had to fugue out how to change my clothes without flashing the neighbors… *lol* Yeah, lots of learning curves!

I know I haven’t written during the whole moving process, so let me just say this – holy shit! If you don’t think you have much, the way to prove that theory wrong is to move! I completely filled my 15’x5′ storage shed. Now I’ve got to think about what I own, and what I want to keep of it all. Another entry for that one will be upcoming, for sure. In the meantime, I have too much stuff in the RV, and can’t wait to get a computer so that I can manage my Etsy page easily, to get rid of all my tie-dye backstock. I also plan to be working on a lot of yarn projects, as I have 1 1/2 totes full of yarn in here. 2 1/2 if you count the tote of half-completed projects! Eek! I also have way too many t-shirts. A lifetime of t-shirt love has given me 1 1/2 totes of t-shirts… and that’s not including the tote of “skinny clothes” I have in my storage shed that is mostly tees I can’t even fit into! *lol* Oh well… those things will be downsized in time as I use them up and wear them out.

I am so scatter-brained this week. Too much going on, too much to figure out. But I got my security deposit back on the house, and I have current tags and insurance on the RV. I have food, the dogs have food and meds… We all have our vitamins. Hopefully Flash will hold up until I can get her worked on. And hopefully the universe will continue to smile upon us, because I could really use the good luck and positive vibes right now. The past few days, I’ve woken up and laid there, thinking – I don’t have to pay for rent anymore! Of course, my “rent” for the first little while will be getting Flash fixed and spiffed up, so that she’s happy.

It’s inspiring to see so many people running and walking their dogs here in the middle of the day. We’re starting out slow so we don’t hurt Ked’s hip, and then in a week, I’ll be adding my running routine (a C25K) to the mix, and letting Ked relax while Rowan runs with me. It will be good for her to have something else to concentrate on (heeling/running) when we’re out exercising, so she can start relaxing about the random passing dogs.

Anywho. That’s enough babbling for now. I’m sure there will be plenty more later, but hopefully as I settle into a new routine, I’ll become more organized with these posts! πŸ™‚ Hope everyone is well, and living their dream! πŸ™‚

Note: I realized there was a WordPress app, so I’m giving that a try. Please excuse all the crazy sentences wherein my autocorrect just made crazy shit up. πŸ™‚ I also need to figure out how to embed videos with the app, and check out how big these pictures are on an actual computer. Sorry, you’re part of my learning curve! πŸ™‚

Pretty eyes…


My view…


Tired kids…


Vince Vaccaro – Here Is Now

Categories: dogs, lifestyle change, RV life, weight loss | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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